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Specialty Gear for Game Wardens Making a Difference Across Texas January 2025

Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation’s S. Reed Morian Gear Up for Game Wardens program has surpassed a $5 million fundraising milestone, which has placed high-tech specialty gear in the hands of Texas Game Wardens across the state for the past seven years.

Through private donations, Gear Up for Game Wardens provides specialty equipment Texas Game Wardens need to maintain safety and ensure the highest level of service for the people of Texas. While the state provides the fundamental necessities for game wardens to do their jobs, there is still a critical need for additional specialized equipment.

“The specialty equipment provided through Gear Up for Game Wardens has been a game changer for us, and we are incredibly grateful for the support of citizens across Texas,” said Lt. Col. Ronald VanderRoest, who is the interim Law Enforcement Director for Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. “Texas Game Wardens do a difficult and dangerous job, and thanks to technology like sidescan sonars and thermal drones, Texas Game Wardens have the equipment they need to do their jobs safely and more effectively."

The program launched in late 2017, and since then, thousands of pieces of equipment have flowed from Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation (TPWF) to Texas Game Warden field offices across the state.

Though the Gear Up for Game Wardens program is managed by dedicated TPWF staff, the program relies heavily on the help of its volunteer-led statewide leadership committee, which is comprised of citizens committed to supporting Texas Game Wardens. Each region has a local committee that organizes fundraisers for the cause. An event generously hosted by the Big Easy Ranch in Central Texas earlier this year raised more than $150,000, helping to push the total raised past the $5 million milestone.

“It's amazing how much has been raised across the state, and it’s because there are a lot of people who care about our natural resources,” said Hershell Cavin, Co-Chair of the Region 7 Leadership Council. “When this program got started, they thought we might raise $50,000, and here we are seven years later, and we’ve raised more than $5 million. That just demonstrates what people think about what Texas Game Wardens do for the people of Texas."

We invite you to watch our video celebrating Gear Up’s $5 million milestone.


  Story #2: Gear Up by the Numbers  

While numbers don’t tell the whole story, there are a few impressive numbers we’re reflecting on as we celebrate reaching a $5 million fundraising milestone.

Here are a few of them:

  • 1,994 individual donations since 2017
  • $5.00 - $200,000 – The range of individual gifts received over the years
  • 931 Gear Up purchases made by TPWF since 2017, including:
    • 3 airboats
    • 12 K-9 replacements
    • 22 search and rescue boats
    • 35 UTV/ATVs
    • 44 side scan sonars
    • 53 search and rescue drones
    • 163 night vision units
    • 166 thermal monoculars

Of course, these numbers will be outdated by next week! Thanks to generous donors, funds continue to come in weekly, and we are constantly making purchases to get needed gear to Texas Game Wardens across the state.

We couldn’t do it without you.


  Story #3: Center Console Boat Making Waves  

When the Texas Game Wardens under Captain Craig Hernandez’s command took possession of a new Skeeter Center Console boat through Gear Up for Game Wardens in late June, they didn’t waste a moment putting it to the test.

The crew worked the busy July 4th holiday on Lake Whitney and marveled at the new boat’s capabilities. Many of the boats operated by game wardens across the state are 10 to 20 years old. The Skeeter Center Console boat is outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment, and it is also heavier than boats game wardens have used in the past.

“This new boat is stationed on Lake Whitney, and that’s a long water body that runs north and south,” said Hernandez. “When the wind picks up, it can get pretty rough. We immediately noticed that it cuts through the water more easily and rides much smoother."

For a crew working a shift on a busy weekend or holiday, and on call 24-7, that can make a big difference.

Just a few weeks after that July 4th patrol, the new boat and its topline gear made a difference in a drowning recovery on nearby Lake Waco. A man who was fishing near the spillway slipped and went underwater entangled in the cast net he was using. Local law enforcement searched for hours but were unable to find him. The following morning, Texas Game Wardens brought the new boat from Lake Whitney, and they located the body within an hour.

  Center Console Boat  

“The sidescan sonar on the new boat has the latest software, and the viewing screen is also much improved from earlier models,” said Hernandez. “There were three different boats out there searching, and there’s no doubt in my mind that the updated equipment on this new boat is the reason we were able to bring closure to that man’s family quickly."

Captain Hernandez is grateful to the generous donors who have provided equipment to Texas Game Wardens across the state.

I don't know that I can express in words how much this equipment helps us because we have gotten used to so many years of just getting by with what we have on hand,” he said. “With this new equipment, we're able to get our jobs done safer, quicker, and better. Gear Up continues to make us more effective in serving the people of Texas, and it’s just a blessing that we are thankful for every day."


  Story #4: Honoring S. Reed Morian’s Service to Texas  

The late S. Reed Morian was a consummate outdoorsman, and his extraordinary leadership, energy, and efforts on behalf of Texas’ wild things and wild places left a huge footprint on our state. To honor his memory, the Gear Up program has been renamed and will forever be known as the S. Reed Morian Gear Up for Game Wardens program.

During his 12 years serving on and ultimately leading the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission as its chairman, he led by example and with great civility and fairness, forever guided by the principle of doing what was best, not easiest, for the fish, wildlife, parks and people under his purview.

  S. Reed Morian  

Always a strong champion of conservation law enforcement, Morian was instrumental in the creation of the Gear Up for Game Wardens program.

Gear Up for Game Wardens Leadership Council Chairman Randy Risher recalls how it all went down. Risher and his friend Vence Petrenella are credited with coming up with the idea for Gear Up for Game Wardens.

“This all started because we wanted to help our local game wardens in Port O’Connor,” said Risher. “They were using equipment that really needed to be updated. So, a few of us bought 4-wheelers for the Port O’Connor game wardens. And then we got to talking about it, and we know there are other Texans like us who understand what our game wardens do and the risks they take to protect the natural resources of our state. We met with Texas Parks and Wildlife Commissioner Reed Morian, and he connected us to Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation. And, as they say, the rest is history."

Morian championed the idea, and as Chairman, further cultivated deep support and statewide awareness for Gear Up for Game Wardens, ensuring solid footing for what has become a pillar program and essential supplemental resource for our Texas Game Wardens.

  Story #5: Save the Date! 4th Annual Gear Up Auction on Oct. 1-3  

TPWF’s 4th Annual Gear Up for Game Wardens Online Auction will be held Oct. 1-3.

Mark your calendars and gear up to bid on an impressive lineup of amazing bucket-list hunting, angling, and outdoor experiences sure to top your “want” list, plus an impressive collection of the latest collectible gear.

Last year’s bidding frenzy raised over $175,000 to support the program, and this year’s brag-worthy lineup of items guarantees to bring big bidders to the block! Don’t miss out on custom top-of-the-line firearms, extraordinary experiences, and the latest collectible outdoor gear.

We have dozens of items and adventures in the works for this year’s auction, so save the date for Oct. 1-3 and get ready to outbid the competition, all for a great cause. Stay tuned for more details coming soon! 

  Story #6: Become a Friend of Texas Game Wardens  

Sustaining the Gear Up for Game Wardens program ensures TPWF can manage the program and purchase the specialty equipment Texas Game Wardens need. Becoming a Friend of Texas Game Wardens helps us continue our work to enhance the capabilities of the best-trained corps of conservation officers in the nation

Become a Friend today and see the exclusive items you will receive so you can show your support of our Texas Game Wardens.




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