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Wild Times April 2017

West Pronghorn Need Your Help

The latest fashion accessory for West Texas pronghorn is a state-of-the-art satellite radio collar depicted in the photo above. All the cool pronghorn are wearing them! These GPS-based gizmos provide real-time information to scientists who are tracking the pronghorn as they roam their West Texas range. Native pronghorn are an ancient North American species and the fastest land animal in the Western Hemisphere. Icons of the American West, they once roamed the Trans-Pecos region more than 17,000 strong. Sadly, by 2012, pronghorn were at risk of disappearing from the Trans-Pecos forever.

That’s why Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation is raising funds to ensure that this unique and iconic animal recovers and continues to roam the desert grasslands of West Texas. Part of the recovery effort involves translocating healthy pronghorn from the Panhandle to the Trans-Pecos. Scientists then track these translocated animals to see how they are doing in their new home.

Watch TPWD’s Shawn Gray explain how these satellite collars work.

Up to 80 collars will be needed in the next few years, and for every $3,000 we raise, we can provide one satellite collar. Your donation will help scientists keep track of these animals, one collar at a time.

Donate Now

Texas Conservation Hall of Fame 2017 Honorees

TPWF was proud to honor the 2017 inductees into the Texas Conservation Hall of Fame last week. Tio Kleberg and Fred Bryant (Kingsville) were recognized for their individual accomplishments and their work together at the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute. Wales Madden Jr. (Amarillo) was honored for a lifetime of philanthropy, much of which has benefitted Palo Duro Canyon. The Operation Game Thief program was also recognized for supporting Texas Game Wardens for more than 35 years. The 2017 inductees were lauded at the Texas Conservation Hall of Fame dinner and concert at ACL Live at Moody Theater in Austin on April 6, where hundreds of people celebrated their achievements.

Watch the videos to learn more about these amazing conservationists.


Outdoor Tales with Roy Seiders

Outdoor adventures led YETI co-founder Roy Seiders and his brother to create a fabulously successful company. YETI coolers have developed a fervid following of outdoor enthusiasts who have helped the company grow at an astonishing rate. Roy and his family are passionate about hunting, fishing and the outdoors, and it has inspired their business success and their family life.

Listen in on this month’s Texas Parks and Wildlife podcast to hear more from Roy Seiders.


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