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Wild Times October 2024

Story #1: A new way to support Texas Game Wardens

Texas Game Wardens have watched over the lands, waters, wildlife and people of Texas for more than 100 years. Every year, Texas Game Wardens patrol over 10 million miles by vehicle and 130,000 hours by boat, facing challenges as unique as the 254 counties they serve. That’s why a group of dedicated citizens has partnered with TPWF to launch Gear Up for Game Wardens to raise private funds to ensure that Texas’ 550 game wardens have access to specialized equipment beyond their standard issue gear. While the state provides the basic necessities for game wardens to do their jobs, there is still a critical need for additional equipment.

Through private donations, Gear Up for Game Wardens will provide specialty equipment Texas Game Wardens need to maintain safety and ensure the highest level of service for the people of Texas. Find out how you can help support Texas Game Wardens.


From a thermal imaging unit to side scan sonar, high-tech specialized gear is more critical than ever to a game warden’s job in the field. Night vision gear, digital radios and body cameras are just a few of the items needed by game wardens to get the job done. Generous individuals and corporations have always chipped in to help, like the Motorola Solutions Foundation, which provided a side scan sonar used by the Texas Game Warden Search and Recovery Team.

Watch this video to see how this equipment is being used to keep Texas Game Wardens safe during dangerous duty.


Story #3: Paying It Forward

Houston businessman Randy Risher visits his hunting and fishing lodge near Port O’Connor as often as he can. Through his many visits, he has gotten to know the local game wardens who patrol Calhoun County. When he asked if there was anything they needed to help them do their jobs, Risher was surprised to learn that the four-wheel ATV the game wardens were using was 15 years old. So he bought them a new one. Then he convinced a good friend to buy them another. Still not feeling like he’d done enough, Risher and his friends came to Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation with an idea of how to make it possible for generous Texans across the state to help their local game wardens. And that’s how the new Gear Up for Game Wardens program got off the ground.

“I’m passionate about fishing, hunting, wildlife and conservation,” said Risher. “Texas Game Wardens make it possible for all of us to enjoy these outdoor pursuits. I’m fortunate that I’ve been successful in business, and my parents always taught us to give back and pay it forward. I hope all Texans will join me in supporting Gear Up for Game Wardens.”


Story #4: It's in the bag!

Thanks to Gear Up for Game Wardens, helping out local game wardens across the state just got easier. We hope Texans are inspired by the work our game wardens do every day to protect wildlife and the people of Texas. We encourage you to visit the new website and sign up for email updates about the program. We’ll keep you posted on how Texas Game Wardens are using their newly donated gear.

Sign up for emails or make a donation by the end of October, and you’ll be eligible to win a specially branded Filson bag!


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