Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) leaders are still tallying up the cost of all the damage from Hurricane Harvey. From Rockport to Jasper, TPWD sites, facilities and equipment suffered significant, and in some cases, devastating losses.
Damages to coastal fisheries facilities and equipment total approximately $1.5 million, with seven out of ten sites managed by TPWD’s Coastal Fisheries Division affected. Most of the repairs aren’t eligible for FEMA reimbursement, and there will be many competing priorities for state dollars. With that in mind, Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission Chairman Emeritus Lee Bass pledged $500,000 for a private fundraising effort for Coastal Fisheries Division losses. Coastal Conservation Association came on board immediately with a $150,000 pledge, and many other generous supporters also pitched in to help match Mr. Bass’ generous gift.
“We’re talking about decades of investment here,” said Robin Riechers, TPWD Coastal Fisheries Division Director. “These facilities drive everything we do, which allows us to stock over 24 million fish a year in coastal waters. We are overwhelmed at the generosity of Mr. Bass and others who have donated to help us recover from Harvey.”